What is Domino?
Domino is a popular game in which players place dominoes edge to edge against one another so that the adjacent faces are identical or form some specified total. Dominoes can be used to play many different types of games, and are also popular for domino art such as straight lines, curved lines, grids that create pictures when they fall, or stacked walls and pyramids.
The first player begins by placing a domino on the table. Then each subsequent player places a domino so that it rests on, or “touches,” the end of the domino previously placed. Then the players continue to place dominoes in this way, each time ensuring that the adjacent faces are identical or form some other specified total. The first player to complete this process wins the game.
A more modern definition of domino is an event or occurrence that triggers a chain reaction, with each event or occurrence resulting in the next and ultimately leading to some outcome that would not have occurred without the previous event. The term is also used to refer to an entire system of events or a sequence of actions, including an organization’s organizational structure, processes, and policies.
In business, the domino effect is a theory that suggests that if one factor in an organization is improved, it will cause positive changes in other areas of the business, and eventually lead to success. It is often cited as an example of the importance of leadership, where the leader has the power to initiate change that will trickle down through the entire organization.
The most common sets of dominoes available have 28 tiles with a variety of pips, or dots, ranging from zero to six. Each domino is a member of a suit, which includes the suits of threes, fours, and fives. Some sets are extended by adding extra ends to increase the number of unique combinations.
Domino Data Lab is an end to end data science platform that allows teams to collaborate and build a pipeline from prototyping through production. Domino Data Lab has a rich set of features that makes it easy to work with data, including the ability to integrate version control systems like bitbucket and spin up interactive workspaces of varying sizes. This enables the team to make rapid progress on their projects.
The most famous example of the domino principle was the United States’ destabilization of the Salvador Allende government in Chile, which Richard Nixon justified in a 1977 Frost/Nixon interview by arguing that a communist Chile would lead to a “red sandwich” of Latin America, entangling the US with Cuba and Venezuela. The US strategy is often called the Domino Theory, and its use in international affairs has led to concerns that the theory could be used as an excuse for military interventions. However, the Domino Theory has also been argued to have positive effects, particularly in the form of forged alliances that foster dependence between countries.