Domino’s Pizza and the Domino Effect
Domino is a game of chance with a simple goal: score points by laying dominoes end to end. A player wins when the exposed ends of all of his dominoes total a multiple of five. The first domino played scores the sum of its two exposed dots; each subsequent double, a single point. The game can be played with any number of dominoes and may require more than one person to play. Dominos are made of a thin, round, flat piece with one or more exposed sides that are marked with either numbers or pips (or inlaid black and white dots). A typical set contains 28 tiles, although larger sets are sometimes available.
The word domino is probably derived from the Latin, dominus. It originally meant a hooded cloak or cape that was worn together with a mask at carnival season or at masquerades. The domino piece, with its black pips against ivory faces, is thought to have reminded people of the hooded garment. The domino game itself appears to have originated in Europe in the late 18th Century.
Dominoes are often referred to as being “sticky” or “gluey,” which indicates their tendency to stay in place once they have been placed on the surface. This trait has led to some safety and hygiene concerns, such as the need for care when handling the pieces. Dominoes can also cause a mess when the pieces are moved, since they tend to leave marks on carpeting or other surfaces.
A key to Domino’s success is the company’s emphasis on listening to its employees and customers. Domino’s CEO, Brandon, makes sure to meet with employees regularly and listen to their feedback. Hevesh takes this to heart and implements changes quickly, such as a more flexible dress code or new leadership training programs. This open line of communication has extended to the company’s customers, and Domino’s is at the forefront of technology when it comes to ordering pizza by text or voice command.
Logic is another key element to a successful story. If a character does something out of the ordinary, such as shooting someone or having an affair, readers need enough motivation or reason to give that hero a pass and keep rooting for him. The domino effect demonstrates that it’s important to have your hero’s actions logically lead to his or her next move.
For example, if the heroine uncovers a clue that could solve the mystery, it’s logical that she will then turn that information over to her partner or superior in order to make sense of it all. This way, the story’s hero stays sympathetic even as he or she steps outside of societal norms. If the hero’s illogical behavior is not supported by a sufficient chain of logic, the domino cascade fails and the story falters. To avoid this, use outlines or Scrivener to plot out your scenes ahead of time. This will help you avoid scenes that are out of step or don’t have a strong enough impact on those that come before them.